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PDE Modular Composite Spring System

Streifeneder products

+PLUSeries® Adhesives

DE Modular Neuromuscular spring system

Orthopartners B.V.

Orthopartners B.V. is a young company that was founded in September 2012. We are an independent distributor for the orthotic and prosthetic industry. Orthopartners represent products from different vendors and we are also the exclusive distributor for Fabtech Systems.

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Latest news about Orthopartners B.V.

Alveolux XRE and Alveolux XSA

Complex health aids require materials which meet the high demands of orthopaedic tech…


PDE Transfer tool

Available now! The PDE Transfer tool will help you repair a brace while maintaining i…


Online fabrication training June16 &17th

Last week we hosted an online Zoom training about the PDE modular composite spring sy…



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Orthopartners B.V.
T: +31 (0) 36 521 28 00
F: +31 (0) 35 799 01 13